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Green Hornet My Rating: 18/25
Is it worth seeing?
Yes. Even though I believe the plot is a bit sidetracked and comical, this movie has some great comedy scenes and Seth Rogen delivers some authentically funny lines.
What if I have not seen the older films, tv series or radio programs?
This film is like a starter film. It introduces the heros, villains and sidekicks in an orderly fasion. You are not really missing anything in the sense of what its predecessors produced.
Not seeing the predecessors of the Green Hornet myself - the story was very easy to pick up.
What do you mean Cultability?
Did the film become a cult hit...not really, but probably adding to the cult created by the originals.
TRON Legacy My Rating: 20/25
Taking what the original created and expanding upon it was the basis of this film. All the Light Cycle and Disc Battles are TO THE EXTREME. All these flashy lights and state of the art CGI may sedate the brain into mushiness as the story can be overlooked to the point of it being 10 minutes into the film and you realize that the plot was explained to you in one line - or basically.
You must go here, use the disc and escape with the girl program thing.
It was that simple. Though, you had the occasional bad-guy.
The Music/Score to this film was very techno and suitable for the setting of the world of TRON, it was rather a surprise but also a relief not to hear a symphonic hollywood score with no themes. Daft Punk were o hand to give us almost a musical-not quite dance mix which really fit the film perfectly. Stand aside Mr John Williams.
A flashy film with a simple story and good action = sequel! hopefully